
Header photo credit: Canal & River Trust

Boating at night - what you need to know

Can I drive a canal boat at night? If you own a canal boat, it is not illegal to drive your canal boat in the dark – however, if you are renting from a canal boat supplier, such as ABC Boat Hire, these hire boats are not permitted to be driven at night. Here at ABC Boat Hire, our boating hours are from dawn to dusk – meaning these times change throughout the year, depending on what time the su...

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A guide to narrowboats with a baby

Looking at booking your first family break with a new baby? If you’re researching holiday ideas with babies, you might be wondering what preparations you’ll need to take before you go away, or you might just be wondering if a narrowboat holiday is suitable for a baby. In this helpful guide, we’ll explain everything you need to know about travelling on a narrowboat with a baby.     Can you take a...

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What's the difference between an aqueduct and a viaduct?

Aqueducts are structures that carry water and viaducts are structures that carry road or railway traffic. What is an aqueduct? Aqueducts are structures that carry a large quantity of flowing water across a valley or a hollow. They are artificial channels typically in the form of a bridge, often found on canals. It uses gravity to keep water moving from its source to its main distribution point....

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What is the longest canal tunnel in UK?

Standedge Tunnel is the longest, highest and deepest tunnel here in the UK. Situated beneath the Pennines, Standedge Tunnel is 5,210 meters in length and tunnels for over 3 miles. The tunnel originally took 16 years to construct and cuts through solid rock. Positioned at number four on the 7 wonders of the waterway, it’s a renowned narrowboat hotspot for avid boaters and a must-see for first-time...

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Best canal routes for couple's holidays

A romantic cruise on the canals could be in store for you this summer as many more people look for UK staycations. If you are fancying a calming holiday on the canals – you’re in luck! This blog, we will recommend the dreamiest canal getaways for couples.   Best UK canal routes for couples The UK is full of picturesque seaside and bustling cities – perfect for any couple holiday. In addition to...

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Canal mooring during Commonwealth Games 2022

This year, Birmingham will be hosting the prestigious 2022 Commonwealth Games – meaning there will be a flurry of excited spectators and athletes alike visiting the area over the summer. With bars, restaurants and clubs expected to be bustling as usual, some may be wondering what impact the games will have on the British waterways around the area. Find out what to expect when embarking on one of...

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Abandoned canals in the UK

The canals used to be a central part of Britain – responsible for transporting mass goods from one city to another. However, with the rise of the railways, investment in the canals slowly started to decline, causing them to deteriorate. In this blog, we will be reminiscing about the canals of bygone eras and how they met their timely abandonment. Britain’s lost canals Grantham Canal Since its c...

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Guide to electric narrowboats

With the UK’s push to become carbon neutral by 2050, many motoring sectors are looking within themselves to assess how they can become environmentally friendly. The canals sector is no different – in this guide, we will be looking into how electric narrowboats operate and how cruising can become more eco-friendly. What is an electric narrowboat? An electric narrowboat is not powered by a convent...

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Can you go fishing on the canals?

Fishing on the canals isn’t as simple as you may think - there are in fact fishing rights in place throughout various canals and rivers. It is important that you are familiar with the ‘incorporeal fishing rights’ – for example, most of the canals are owned by the Canal & River Trust, therefore you will have to buy fishing permits from them. Learn more about canal fishing from our detailed guide....

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Best books about canals

Canal season is upon us and soon the waterways will be filled with narrowboats cruising up and down the UK. In the meantime, why not prepare for your next canal boat holiday? Now is the time to start reading up on the waterways. In this guide, we will be discussing both informational and non-fiction books about British canals. Who knows? You may even want to take one of these reads on your next ca...

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